I am not sure about you but I was useless at planning things or looking to long term goals when I was younger . I had an idea vaguely of what I wanted but that is as far as it went in my energetic and scattered often tortured psyche ! Having a goal with the steps to achieving that goals or goals can be very helpful , one to clarify what exactly you want, to create a logical concrete pathway to it. Sometimes we know we want our life to be different but we don’t know how to go about getting there or even what it looks like . If we have a plan clearly mapped out it can help to break the goals down into bite size pieces which helps us to not become overwhelmed
How do you go about making a goal setting plan ? There are many templates to utilize for
A simple structured plan will help you to focus on the incremental steps to achieving the goals you have always dreamed about !
Having small achievable goals along the way to the bigger goals, will help your participant to keep on track, and help with motivation when it wanes.
Also acknowledging those small wins, with a reward also helps to keep momentum up, and motivation continuing (Locke and Latham 2002)
- Clarity.
- Challenge.
- Commitment.
- Feedback.
- Task complexity
- Keeping these keys points in mind can assist enormously in staying the course and not getting discouraged.
A great template to utilize is SMART GOALS
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relevant /realistic
- Time –based
Is the goal clearly defined ? Will we be able to recognize when we have achieved aspects of the goals , can we see proof of improvements ? How will we know that we are making progress ? What will be the evidence ?
Is the goal within our grasp , is it something attainable and practical ? Are we being honest about the possibility of this goal becoming a reality . Should I modify it or reassess at a particular stage in the future ? Do I have alternatives if this becomes difficult because of something out of my control .
What is our time frame here ? At what stage in the time line will I have achieved which aspects of this goal ?
if you find you get stuck or you start to lose motivation of momentum, analyze why . What is missing that could get you back on track ?
Remember to reevaluate when obstacles arise and always reward yourself along the way for small wins. Rewards can give you a morale boost and get you give you more motivation , which creates results which creates more motivation ! So its a fabulously productive feedback loop ! Happy goal setting !
Call me if you want support in formulating your smart plan !