Jul 2017

My teen’s boyfriend is a bad ass !

What can you do if your teen has a boyfriend you don’t like? It can be such a source of tension between you and your teen, especially if they are keen on them. Parents have very good radar when it comes to the type of characters that come into their kid’s lives to influence them.…

Jul 2017

Ahhh, ok, so, THIS is complicated grief.

  It was the worst experience of my life. I thought I would die from the pain.  Sam dumped me after 14 months. When we meet it was as the old saying goes, fireworks and an intensity I had not known in my previous relationship at University.  He was 6 years younger than me but…

Jul 2017

Medicate or Not to Medicate…..That is the question ?

Medicate or not to medicate…. that is the question  ? Boy am I tired.  Yes, fed up to the back teeth, of the divisive, useless, arguments around depression and use of medication. Sure, most people know by now that serious psychiatric disorders require medication.  When your sister  is telling you that she was  born with…